Friday, September 15, 2017

Rising Shadow's Five Star Review of The Winter Ghosts Are Calling

The first serious review of my collection of speculative fiction is in, and it's a doozy!

The book was reviewed by Serigil of Rhiminee, the pen name of one of the reviewers at Rising Shadow, a website that focuses on science fiction and fantasy books. Interestingly, Rising Shadow is a  Finnish site, and there is a Finnish version as well as an English version.

You can read the full review on Rising Shadow's English language web site: Review

The review is long and very detailed with brief comments about all ten stories. The web site has previously published glowing reviews of my novels, including The Revenant of Thraxton Hall and The Angel of Highgate.

They are just as enthusiastic about this collection of short fiction.

I will let Serigil of Rhiminee have the final word:

"This collection is excellent, wonderfully fantastical, and satisfyingly creepy entertainment!"